7 Tips On How to Be Generous Even During a Economic Recession

Posted on October 2, 2008. Filed under: generous, giving, recession | Tags: , , , , , , |

1. Get over the fear that there won’t be enough. Many have this false belief that we are fighting over scarce resources, often in that fear our resources just go to waste.

2. Decide I will be generous every day. Being generous is not just about giving money.  It is a decision that I will give more than I will take. It could be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in the grocery line or as big as paying someones electric bill. You decide based on your ability and willingness. You know the deal, the good deed of the day.

3. Focus on those projects that matter to you. Do a personal mission statement and it will help reign you in. You are ever evolving and as you change so should your mission statement. Examples are education, mental health organizations, helping the homeless, you get the picture.

4. Do a budget and include donations in that budget. It’s easier to stay on task if you have a preset amount.

5. If you have more time than money, give of your time. Volunteering is a great way to help others and help your career at the same time.  Your resume does not have to say that the position was unpaid and volunteering does not make it any less valid.

6. Go through the stuff that you have, decide what you no longer need or use, and give it away.

7. Just remember no matter how little you have there is someone out there that has less.

Any other tips?

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